252 'matching' amps. Quick query

Is this not about getting the best bang for your buck/euro/pound?
Yes, you can mix and match what you want. The clever person puts his/her money where they get the best benefit.
And whilst I’ve only heard a selection of pre and power amp combos at a dealers, the better NAC with the cheaper NAP would be where I would place a limited budget.
Don’t forget there are a few on here for whom the NAC 552 is not quite good enough.


I have no issues driving my 300s with a 282/HCDR sounds sublime should I downgrade to a 250 don’t think so :grin:

I’m moving to a 252/250, so I’m hoping it won’t sound manky compared to my SN2 (which sounds great).

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Trust me, Mike. 252/250 sounds wonderful.
Against my SN3, much as I liked it, no contest.
Same outcome with my 282/250 vs the SN, but the 252 has a level of sheer tunefulness that makes listening to music a real joy ( and I don’t find the presentation as ‘tiring’ as I used to with both SN3 and 282.)
More music maestro please!


I’m quite excited, something to look forward to very much.


I am a couple of months in changing from n272/250dr to 252/250dr now. I wouldn’t worry if I were you. I was baffled from the start and have been constantly listening every chance I get.


Yes, absolutely agreed. Since moving to the 252, I really don’t notice the hours slipping away…

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I am still kicking myself: how could I not have known before sound really had the potential to be so like it should be, even in my modest living room? It all clicks.

Making it easier not to have itches to upgrade the amp side of things.


Upgraded from Nac 202 Nap 200 to NAC 252 Supercap DR and NAP250 DR sounds thrilling to me big upgrade from previous. More detail larger sound stage, bass depth at last have the wow factor I know Nap 300dr would be better. Unfortunately I cannot all at once but I feel I have made a massive improvement over previous setup


Mike you won’t be disappointed I’m not, I never thought I would be able to afford a fairly new Nac252, NAP250DR and SupercapDR it’s taken me 15 years to build. Along with Cds3 Xpsdr witch hat phantom cables all on 2 Fraims. The Nac252 and NAP250dr are nice to look at well :grinning:
Speakers are next on the hit list they will be chosen with care once Doug Brady Warrington opens :grin::grinning:

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