332 on home dem

What does that mean?

I read in @gviola18 profile tha he has a unity audio the rock active loudspeaker

I suspect cheaper. Because it is made of separate panels, it is more time consuming to assemble but far simpler to manufacture than extruded aluminium which always cost an arm and a leg. Cutting vs. Extruding are not even close in terms of cost.

I heard the NC stuff a bit over the holidays and it was fairly impressive but up close, I liked the casework even less than I did when it was only in pictures. Rather than a timeless design, it is bang up to date contemporary so it will date very quickly I suspect. Possibly one of my least favourite bits of industrial design in hifi in quite some time. I’d put money on it not being the current design in a decade.

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Well you might be right there feeling_zen, the NC design may last say 10 years. But the statement and unitis have now been in place for quite some time

Frankly I think that’s long enough anyway , I think the classics design went on far too long and started to get boring looking

I’ve just purchased the NC333/NAC332/250, and I really like the design, bit more up to date but not over the top. It also depends on surrounds , internal furnishings etc.

I’ve still got more classic boxes than the NC’s but glad they are not in the same locations



I think Olive lasted just 8 years - 10 years if you count the Nait2 that changed skin. No end of complaints by customer’s better halves that it was “made in a garage”.

So if I get my current gear recapped, I should be able to see what is on offer for the range after NC.

Yeah I was never a fan of the olive , had the CB’s before that which I loved and still do ( 2 Nait 50’s look so good ) and the classics since introduction

I think the uniti range looks really good , atoms , nova etc

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I believe it lasted 13 years from 1989 with the introduction of the NAC 72 (Naim’s first olive-only product) until 2002 with the replacement of the olive range with the OC range.

Yes, 332 with 300 on the Rocks! It certainly pushes them to a very good place. The 332 is an incredible pre.

One thing I love about the Rocks, other than their spectacular midrange and overall control and transparency, is that you can keep the volume at low levels and still enjoy the music without losing information.

I’m saving to get something larger, to be honest: I want some more bass extension. The bass is there and very audible with the rocks, don’t get me wrong, but they’re still basically near field monitors and my room needs more than that.
And it needs to be active. Not going back to passive speakers, nope.


You know that my reseller, who is a friend, took my 332 in the shop in Parma for more than a month because I work in Egypt. He told me that a customer auditioned my 332 and he bought it immediately partnering it with the rock. I suspect you are that customer

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I’m enjoying the love shown for the 300 series here, most posts seem to be negative about the new classics; but my experiencee with the 350s has been very positive so far. I am really impressed with the sound. It is a lot more controlled and present to me vs my 300DR.

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Esatto! :slight_smile:

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Grande…I suspect I m the one who bought your ndx2