500 v 2x300 active?

@TimOopNorth I’ve followed this thread through your entire journey. Been with you the whole way. When I read about your dog I was lying in the floor with my dog listening to her favorite playlist. I’m truly sorry for your loss.


Sorry to hear about you dog’s passing Tim. I know that feeling all too well…

On a more positive note I’m happy to hear that your problem with the right channel seems resolved


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As a dog owner…I know the pain…it effects the whole family…anyway keep well … and have happy new year…I am looking forward to hearing about your sonic journey … Rich


Sorry to hear about your dog tim, been there myself quite a few times over the years, its always hard, as they do become a large part off your life.


Sorry for your loss Tim. We went through similar in August last year.
Time does heal, albeit slowly.

Best, BF


Oh dear, Love our dogs. Had to put 2 of ours down in 2020. Both Danes. Sad, but another Dane pup is on the way and still 4 other dogs to keep us amused. Having more than one helps the loss. Chin up


We have a couple of collies that are a big part of our family… frankly they now seem to be the only family members that are pleased to see my return home these days! Sorry to hear your about your dog.


Thanks all for the kind wishes over the dog. And the most recent comment above reminds me that whenever I went away with work and came back it would be Gwen who would be far more pleased to see me than any of the humans in the household

We have entered negotiations with my father in law over maybe sharing a new working dog.

Back to topic - Still Sticking hours onto the system but having to keep the volume down due to teenage rebellion :man_shrugging: But I have got rid of a really annoying and persistent hum by trading the 300dr in for a new 500dr :grin: not the most economical approach I grant you!

Listened to some Mahler for the first time yesterday (Qobuz) and although volume was quite low to avoid upsetting wife there were some hints of rather excellent scale coming from the speakers


Good speakers and a capable amp like the 500DR are essentiel for music like Malher’s.

With my previous speakers, even when controlled by the 500DR, symphonic music was a disappointment.

Great you’re enjoying your Titans! Have fun!

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Happy New Year Tim, very sorry to hear about Gwen, my thoughts with you on this one as we are on our 3rd and 4th dogs now, they truly are mans best friends.
That 500 should give you bit more oomph!
Got your new toys from Pete yet?

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Erm no more toys since a bit more fraim a pair of 808s and a 500 arrived just before Christmas! :grin: there is a new model of the mains block due (mk 3?) so am waiting for that (Pete didn’t know about it in December when I mentioned it to him - I said I wasn’t very interested in trying mk2 though not sure if he had that in stock anyway)

Thought a new PS555 dr might be in order :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

A difficult question. My instinct would be to go for active - but using 500 rather than 300. So maybe a half-way step is one of your 300s and a 500 - creep up on it, IYSWIM. Then change the 300 for another 500. I have always preferred active over passive.
BUT, crossovers have become more sophisticated since my active SBLs (using 135s), and I am currently running passive 500 into S600s having been passive 300 into S600 for a short while. If I could afford another 500 and the crossover I would do that without hesitation, but what I have works really well.
As for shelves etc. and blocking the window - I don’t understand your quandary. I can understand your preference for fewer shelves, but we are talking about HiFi here, not interior design :smiley:

No - not ordered yet. Wanting to give the 808s and 500 plenty of time to bed in first

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Events have overtaken you - now have a single 500 with 808s. Going active with them would require 3 amplifiers and definitely too many shelves. At 11 shelves as it is

Makes sense, I can hear Pete sobbing…

Not my problem :man_shrugging:

You’re a hard man Tim :rofl:

With the amount of hard earned Tim has sent Pete’s way recently he can afford to be :rofl:

Your cast off’s are beginning to sound really good now now the amps are properly warm. I wouldn’t say that passive they were better than the Focals, just very different and a much more accurate and lively presentation which is growing on me very rapidly. There are certainly hints of what extra is available, I doubt it will be long before I get another pair of 135s and a SNAXO the way things are going and the Focal will have to go unless I can wangle my long wanted second system

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I know Geoff wasn’t a fan of that the Musicworks mains block. He felt it just changed the sound rather than improving it. He preferred the much cheaper block.

Pete knew that 500DR and SuperLumina speaker cable wouldn’t be going back to the shop. :smiley:

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