6 Nations

Ian, you have reminded me when Wales were once narrowly beaten by Western Samoa. IIRC comedian Max Boyce said, 'Imagine what would have ‘appened if the whole of Samoa had been playing’!



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Good close game I missed the last round, is England on the way up or France on the way down.

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France absent their magic spark at 9 which is Dupont have looked unthreatening much of this 6N’s, leaning on their power game, but England gave them opportunities from lost ball which they got punished for. Like many teams, France are best when given space and a broken field. England have done very well at times in this campaign and appear to have discovered they have a 3/4 line (plus a running 15) – why, all of a sudden, they want to play with structure (?) and even adventure at times is welcome, as you don’t win games without scoring tries nowadays. The bigger question perhaps, is why England played such turgid rugby for several years, with such a focus on kicking. This said, there were times last night when the kicking game took over again.

It took a while but the tournament shrugged off it’s post RWC hangover and the last two weekends have had some great matches.

England still work in progress, but at least there is progress, and some signs of life after their dreary rugby of the last few years. Had they been a little less sloppy they may well have won last
night and in that feverish atmosphere that would have been a great achievement. I think France should always play outside Paris!

Fantastic 6nations for Italy (who are now above Australia in the world rankings) but pretty abject for Wales. Scotland were my outside pick for the title but are stalling short of the summit again.

As ever the 6nations isn’t always perfect rugby, but it is compelling.



I am on my own for a few days , my wife is exploring Berlin with her step daughter
I have not owned a TV for many years but watched the French match at home of French neighbour and good friend in the village …
Gérard and I sank a few glasses of local CDR with some fabulous local cheeses and agreed England managed to snatch defeat fro the jaws of victory .

So, if all the teams had been offered that table at the start of 6N how would they have felt? Italy clearly the biggest smiles of all, probably closely followed by Ireland. All of Gatland’s fears came to roost at once though maybe it is the reality check the WRU needed. Borthwick will probably be rekieved rather than elated but slightly satisfied maybe that all of the doom has temporarily evaporated. That leaves France and Scotland - Townsend will be marginally happier than Gatland but the manner of the French loss and the Italy defeat will be etched deeply. Galthie looked like he could be in a similar place to Gatland but for a TMO decision in Murrayfield and the inexplicable breeze in an indoor stadium and a goalpost to conspire for him against Italy then England gifting 14 points.

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