82 v 282

I gather cost is a factor here. I would recommend if possible an 82/supercap (olive)l. Yes 52 is better but also a lot more expensive. I’d ignore changing the preamp but rather focus on the power supply to the preamp.


Ha yes

Home testing a 282+hicapdr vs 282+supercapdr vs 252+supercapdr, the biggest improvment came from upgrading the power suplly not the preamp.


Yes, I meant the 82 directly powered from the 180s rudimentary 24V supply.

Does that mean that the biggest bang for your buck is a 282 and Supercap then?

For upgrading a 282 + hicapdr, yes

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It’s certainly a view. The topic has been widely debated here in various threads.

Most think that a Supercap is great - but largely or wholly as as a necessary stepping stone to the dramatic upgrade that is a 52 or 252.

A significant minority of sensible people disagree.

Many think that adding a second Hicap is an upgrade but a pretty small one, but quite a few sensible people disagree with that too.

In my house and system, we reckoned that swapping my old 82 out and getting a 52, while keeping the Supercap, was a vastly bigger upgrade than the PS changes. It was also bigger than addding the XPSDR to the NDX2.

Depending on where you live, it may be best to get a mate or a contributor to this site to pop round with a Supercap so that you can decide using your own ears and your own system. They might even be able to bring a 52 or 252…


To me, it’s the 282/Hicap DR. I don’t doubt the Supercap DR may bring some gains to the sound but I don’t like the idea of not fully unlocking the Supercap’s potential by using it with the 282 which to me is a waste. To each his own.

I won’t be going anywhere with my 282/Hcdr but if I were to consider the Supercap I’ll ditch the whole lot and go 252/scdr. I also won’t consider the 252 as I’ve once said before why settle for second best if one is already so near to the best. :grin:


I’ve owned a 82/SC and have a mate with a 282/ 2 x hicap dr. The 282x2 hicap dr is better handsdown.

A supercap will always lead to a 252. I stopped with 2 HCs and my 282. Ive heard a 252, albeit not in my home, and wasnt convinced to change. Neither was my dealer. Now, a 552 is a different answer. But that requires sone cash and the sale of my 282 and 2 HCs, which both are unlikely.


the 282 is a very fine box indeed!


Then there’s some really ‘old school’ fanatics on here that think a good 72 with a Hicap outperforms an 82/282. It just depends what elements you are looking for in your music. I had to go to a 52 to get timing like my old 72 could do. Neither an 82 or 282 came close on my system.


The 282 is an excellent and discontinued pre-amp , following the release of the New Classic gear many can be found second hand at lower and lower prices . I use mine with a pair of serviced Hi-caps and a serviced Super-cap on my Pre-Fix where it is simply magnificent and frankly better than on the 282 , in my system . Again Hi-caps and Super-caps are discontinued and secondhand prices are falling fast . Nac 282’s are a bargain . 82’s were sold from 1992 till 2002 , they are all twenty to thirty years old .
Right now I would be investing my money on a 282


I have owned a 72 it was replaced by a 282 one of the biggest most significant upgrades I ever made .

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72 to 282 is no contest. I still own three 72s and a 282 with two HCDRs in my main system. A 72 and HC is great in my second system.

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I have a Nac 72 from 2000 with Scap DR; I find that the absence of electronic control circuits is beneficial for music. I’ve owned 82 and 52, the sound of 52 is more robust than 82, 52 is excellent it sounds important and sophisticated, according to my feeling nevertheless hifi compared to 72, 32.5,62… The Nait 1,2, 50 also have the advantage of being controlled in manual mode only, and sound very natural too.


:wave: :smile:

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I would take a 52/sc or 72/hc over an 82 every time. I could easily live with an 82, but as a Forum member said a while back the 82 asks questions only the 52 can answer.

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I would be delighted to take a 52 over my 82 as well. :laughing:

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I have had several Nac 52´s but I prefer Nac 82/Supercap,for it’s more fun and engaging musicality.
Nac 82/2x Supercaps is even better…