A Naim volume question

It was trying something new with the NAIT 5 and NAC112/112x. The advantages were exact channel matching even at very low levels, and the ability to trim individual input levels. However, the ALPS pot still sounded a better (hence its return with the NAC122x, NAIT 5i and 5x) and there were issues with the TI encoder when production for that part was moved overseas, which meant that Naim had to redesign around a new (ON) encoder.


Never had the volume beyond 11 o’clock on my 282, even for a party.


That is a very good question. Not just applicable to a nac82 but throughout anything with a volume knob.

It would make sense to limit the travel upto the recommended useable position before everything flattens and bottoms out.

Historically this is entwined with using analog pots that are manufactured with a set travel.
Of course speaker manufacturers have been modifying off the shelf parts for decades, so it’s no stretch to imagine a modification of a potentiometer!

This shouldn’t be an issue with digital or digitally controlled relay switching volume control, which I think the new generation addresses.

Saying that, I have a buddy who ran a cheap active subwoofer turned up to 11 running off the TV. Did so for some time.
Some folk simply have no idea. :sunglasses:

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I just think of it like a car engine tick over gentle run then power band “on cam “ then over revved simple.
My Speedo goes to 130 mph but it won’t get there. :scream: :rofl:
I’m sure the headroom varies depending on the size of the amp and or the load. :thinking:
Strangely every Linn amp I’ve had is the opposite hardly anything much until over 50/60 :wink:

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But it is still an attenuator, and volume still reduces from max at clockwise end to min at anticlockwise. The only difference might be whether thee resistor steps of one or another are linear or logarithmic in progression. Choice of resistor ladder vs other approaches are due to other factors like step accuracy and noise.

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RD, Is this 7v input (super) ability also present on integrateds like the SN3?

I think so yes, but Naim could confirm for certain (or not).

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