Abbey Road miscalculation

Nothing trying about it - it is simply natural! As for The Wall, an fantastic piece of work that I only ever want to play in its entirety, not a bad song on it and the whole thing very cathartic. But then I once described myself as the fastest wall-builder in the West… (Before The Wall was released. And I’m not a bricklayer!)

As for so-called “celebrities”, maybe my view is not dissimilar to yours. Who celebrates them anyway, and, in the vast majority of cases, why?


I know a couple of people who only ever play a complete side of The Wall or the complete album. I used to be able to do that, but these days I’m usualy listening with my wife, or with some friends as well and it doesn’t really work.

Last weekend tho, my wife and I were playing bakgammon while sipping some good wine and listening. The speakers are at the other end of the room and fill the room with sound nicely. We listened to the entire Meddle album at a fair volume. We both enjoyed it immensely.
So, I guess sometimes I do play the entire album.

We appear to have the same thoughts regarding celebrities in general.

Meddle is a classic album and a much easier listen from start to finish than The Wall. I’m a big Floyd fan but I definitely struggle with side 4 of The Wall.

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Good clarification, Pete. That was really what I was trying to say, regarding The Wall. It’s a bit much in places. I’m a big Floyd fan as well. Only saw them once tho, on the DSOTM tour when I was 16. I don’t remember what year that was … y’know, the 70’s and all …

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As The Wall is a concept album, not just a collection of songs, to me missing what was side 4 on vinyl is like reading a good book and stopping 3/4 of the way through!

I don’t play it at all if I don’t have time to hear right through, though just on the odd occasion with friends taking turns to play something short I may pick Another brick in the wall, which I think is a superb track that stands on its own, especially played loud. (And it was a frequently featured track when I ran a rock disco in the 80s.)

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Don’t get wrong I normally listen to the whole album (as stated I am a whole album type) but I do find side 4 a little tedious.


I’m afraid I avoided the whole album, which was probably a mistake. But “that single”, the one with the kids shouting was played at every party I went to when I was a student. Hated it, drove me up the wall.


I believe The Wall should be listened to, not heard.

No distractions - no visiting friends, no other activities - just sit down and listen.

In it’s entirety.

As IB says above, you wouldn’t skip chapters of a book.

True, but you could put it back on the shelf when you’ve read 3/4 of it.

Me too.

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I agree most, if not all Floyd album should be listened to from start to finish. However it doesn’t make that last chapter any more palatable.

I’ve stopped reading plenty of books at 3/4 of the way through. If it stops being entertaining, I stop wasting my time. At least, then, I’ve only wasted my money. However, I’m a library guy most of the time, anyway. I do the same with albums.

Agreed Pete. I haven’t played the album much at all these past 30 years, but for a while in the early 80’s it was a pivotal album for me, always near the LP12. But even then I don’t think I’ve played side 4 more than a few times. It’s too dark and absurd for me to engage with for the purpose of enjoyment and the music gets forceful and dogmatic rather than subtle and atmospheric like the other 3 sides. Other folks’ mileage clearly does vary!

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Back on thread, the track I tend to miss out from Abbey Road is Her Majesty rather than MSH. After Here Comes the Sun and the long medley, I just want to enjoy it retrospectively in silence rather than listen to the (to me) inane HM.


It’s a secret track, in fact when I played my copy it was a while before I discovered it was there. There’s no mention of it on the album cover, I believe.

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