Absolute Sounds best components

I can’t recall Naim ever having been particularly affordable. It was always some of the most expensive kit in the shop.


Richard – in the high street shops (pre 500 series), I’d agree with this, but if you sought out the upper-market dealers/those in high-monied environs e.g. central London, there was another firmament of cost out there…and that’s before any conversation started around cables and ancillaries :scream:

In the 70s and the 80s, someone with an average wage could ‘‘with a little effort’’ afford Naim separates. Not really the case today with those crazy prices.

Not blaming Naim in particular as crazy high-end prices seems to be a spreaded disease among most audio manufacturers.

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Although milk and butter was cheap back then, a student eating only Kraft dinner for a month could’ve afford a Nait1 with the savings… :wink:

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Not this student. Having said that I did empty the piggy bank for a Sony PSX800 with XL-44L MC cartridge and an AT-630 SUT back around the time the NAIT first appeared. It cost me around the same amount. Only problem was I couldn’t actually afford an amp and speakers to go with it until later that summer by doing fruit picking.


Hi, honestly speaking I’ve always bought second hand items and Naim is keeping the value in time as few brands. I bought and sold several pieces and after years the sale price was slightly smaller than what I spent years before. Initial price might be higher than competitors but value is kept in time.

Years back when I used to read magazines, I always thought that the Absolute Sound magazine was more oriented towards the US market with Stereophile more oriented towards the UK/Europe. I remember when Stereophile started to change after one of the reviewers got his hands on a Krell KSA-50 and wrote a rave review. After that they gradually started reviewing more equipment from the US and elsewhere.

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