Accessing Core data folders and files

I’ve started ripping CD’s on my Core and would like to integrate the files into my main music folder. I can see the Core folders using the Naim app, but when I look for the Core files on my network using a PC and MS Explorer I only get a black screen. I use the IP address to access the Core but no folders appear. I’ve checked the Explorer settings and rebooted the router without success.
I’m a novice at this, so help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

@davidhendon ?

John welcome.

John you need to look at the Core as a network device, the black screen means you are looking at its web page, which is totally different.

It’s all explained in the frequently asked questions section of the forum.

If you are still stuck after reading that thread, come back here and say so! Also next time say what PC operating system you have and how you are looking for the Core.

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