Acoustic Research AR18s

I flipped back to the Vivid S12’s omg…yes they are more accurate, dig deeper, image better etc. But having said that the AR18s are such fun…and are a proper hi fidelty proposition even after 40 years…and I think with better tube connectors, capacitors and wiring … they would sound even fresher… Ultimately they were a budget speaker…but oh so good. I did a video recoding of them I will post it if I can figure out how to put a video on here…

Appologies sound courtesy of Samsung…try listening with headphones…the bass was pretty good…

AR18s were a favourite of Hugh Padgham I believe, who engineered and produced Genesis, Phil Collins, The Police, Sting, David Bowie, etc. Never heard them myself, but certainly would be interested to if the opportunity arose. In the depths of my memory, I remember discussing them with my father, who auditioned them during the 80s against models from B&W and Mordaunt-Short - the MS30s won for him I believe…


I assisted HP on a remix session of some Genesis Live tracks … but I can’t remember what speakers were sitting on the desk that night.


Russel enjoying Vivids now they are back in position…

Notice the slightly short SL speaker cable… yes it bugs me…but so does paying about 3k to rectify it!!! so for the meanwhile it stays…

Wow! That must have been an incredible experience!


Absolutely … Townhouse Studio, alternating with The Manor - working with top pros every day - but the session with Hugh was a privilege, that’s for sure.


I can see why the AR18s were good as studio monitors quite revealing and relatively neutral…and of course funky sounding (they have good timing and like to boogy woogy) I think thats what is missing in allot of speakers today…

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