Active PMC v ATC : The Best Things… Part II

Dear @BlueCanary

Hope you’re having fun over there…
Do share pictures, if or when you can?

Happy listening

Hi BC can I ask what was the 200w amp you had before you went to the active PMC’s.

Hi @silverback - it was a Meridian G57 having done 19 years exemplary service. BC


I heard similar reports of 70 Watts idle for the 50’s but when I measured them they were 40 Watts each which is far better. I’m sure I’ve read that ATC’s amp packs run at 1/8 power on idle which equates to 43.75 Watts for the 50’s and very close to what was measured.

I always switch mine off at the end of the day and switch them on 15 minutes before listening. The 50’s seem to take a little longer to warm up than the 40’s but fast enough not to be an issue.