Adding XPS DR Query

The acid test is to take it out after a week and to see if the sound takes a step backwards. It’s a lot to spend and you need to be sure it’s worth it.


You wouldn’t be the first not to be that impressed with the XPSDR on a NDX2, considering it costs more than the SN3 it would want to be fairly spectacular IMO.

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It all depends really. Sometimes these things take time to settle in and become a realisation. Some can’t hear much of an improvement going from a NAC 282 to a NAC 252 for instance, only to later on and report back to say it’s a huge improvement. Some expect instant fireworks and that’s not what it’s about. When it’s taken out after a period of time then i guess that will be the moment to decide whether to stick or twist or go bigger.


One other thing I will add from my own experiences from my system which is the same as the OP’s bar the speakers - bright and harsh or even aggressive are probably about as far away as possible as one can get from what i’m experiencing here, hence my original suggestion of changing for another Burndy cable above.

My experience of the XPS DR on the original NDX was that it relaxed things and made everything sound more natural, the polar opposite to what the OP is experiencing.

It does feel like there’s something wrong here.


Just to check - I take it the NDX2 is just connected to the XPS and you’ve removed the mains lead from the NDX2 ?

Trust me, trying to power the ndx2 from 2 supplies ends up blowing the ndx2’s fuse.
Not that it needs an excuse.

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Well at least it was just a blown fuse. I see from another post the NDX2 should indicate a misconnection so it looks like it’s not an issue for the OP.

I had both the XPS and the mains lead connected to the NDX 2, and I was getting the power button on the NDX 2 blinking in a series of three (blink, blink, blink, pause…).

Yes thanks i did remove it & it now feeds the XPS

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We have the same setup as you, except we use a Naim core rather than a NAS drive, also have naca5 speaker cableS. Mainly listen to acoustic music and a variety of blues. The whole system sounds great, the LS50 sound just right neither harsh or too much bass. We found the xpsdr gave more of an improvement than the HiCap it was considerable. The dealer gave us the speaker cables which also was an improvement.

So your setup should sound good.

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Thanks, that is both interesting & encouraging to hear

Hi. I am having an almost identical experience moving from XPS DR to 555 DR on a 272. When I initially added the XPS, I did feel all the “right” changes as advertised: more defined bass, better image, better definition, better instruments separation etc. Now with the 555 seems to be a mixed bag. I have received some recommendations, have yet to implement and see the outcome.
I’ve also had a similar experience when adding the SL (both interconnect and speakers), they initially sounded harsh and bright. But they did immediately improve the bass, which felt more impactful and better defined. Either they settled in in a few weeks, or I got used to them. Don’t know which one, in the end we got along :wink:.
How’s your experience developing?

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Interestingly enough I have to say that the sound continues to improve. The harshness I initially experienced has definitely reduced with a richer sound now more noticeable. As you say I’m not sure either if it’s just getting used to it or if it’s just settling in but either way much happier with it now


In the end i thought the XPS DR was a good upgrade over a bare NDX 2 and have never felt short changed or yearned for a 555 DR. Enjoy.


The best way to be shure is to disconect the xps for several days.Then you’l know if it’s a good idea to keep it or maybe to exchange it with some music.

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