Album booklet not opening in iOS app

Album booklets have stopped opening. Is anyone else getting a 504 error when opening album booklet from Naim iOS app?

Yes I’ve been getting that today too. To be fair, I’ve been getting that for the last few years! I think this problem has come up before and it was something to do with Rovi who provide the info on albums for the app. Usually it fixes itself in a few days.

Yes, I get the same problem. Haven’t noticed it before, until a couple of days ago.

Thanks. Mine was working yesterday.

Naim are aware and working with them to resolve the issue. When I know more I’ll post here.


Thanks for the update Richard

From the other thread about this:

Demonstrates the value of a forum like this. I was thinking for the last few days that I had some new problem with my system.

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I updated the app from the App Store today and now it works fine, the album booklet loads quickly like it did previously

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Richard, Album booklets are now opening again

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Thanks for letting us know singgs and alanjr.

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