Alternative to Phantom speaker cable

583 Deltron is a screw fit connector.
500 Deltron is a standard solder connection .
579 Deltron is a standard solder connection for larger cable.

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The alternative that we’d all like to see: NACA6. A bit more flexible & OCC conductors. That’s what I want for Christmas!


Triangle’s Opera cable at around €6.50 per metre for the 4mm sq version and the geometry looks promising, though I seen no Capacitance or inductance specs.


I changed from Naim NAC A5 to Kudos KS-1, again expertly soldered by Cymbiosis.

I found that it added more detail to the presentation, plus plenty of controlled bass.

I too, do not find it bright sounding.



Phantom is 9 awg 6mm Cu, with AudioQuest SureGrip 100s silver solderless bananas. Unplated.

I used NACA5 for many years and switched to Phantom in August 2021 with my Spendor A7s. The Phantoms cost about the same but are alot more flexible and allow more bass. I would like to try the KS-1 with the A7s. How are the KS-1 an improvement over the Phantom?

I wonder if the Witch Hat designer was comparing KS-1 when he developed the Phantom?

Has anyone tried the Gothic “Ella” interconnect? The Ella uses solid silver, terminated with Din5 180.

IMHO, its not an improvement compare to Phantom, its “different”. Slightly more detail, maybe slightly brighter. I greatly prefer it to NACA5.

I was really happy with Phantom and would have continued to use it had it been available.

Mogami 3082 speaker cable would seem to be less than ideal for Naim because 3082 has “high” capacitance (1kHz, 20 degrees C) at 253pF/m and low inductance at 0.4µH/m.

in 2021 WH said phantom was 6mm² 13mm x 6.5mm/ 9 awg 6mm Cu, terminated with AudioQuest SureGrip 100s silver solderless bananas.
I dont think WH revealed whether it was OFC.

I just checked the KS-1 web page specs: “KS-1’s conductors are 19 strands of silver-plated Oxygen-Free Copper (OFC) insulated with Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) run with a slow twist and all surround by a hard PVC outer for protection. physical damping and simplicity of use.”

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I would not recommend the Mogami 3082 for older Naim amps (pre-DR).

It sounds wonderful with my Supernait 2/HiCap into a Warfdale Linton’s. Poor man’s Super Lumina!

I use Phantom and while my dealer was round installing a PS I tried the Kudos cable. It was awful compared to the Phantom. It may be system and room etc. but there was no comparison.


My speaker cable journey in recent years has been Chord Epic Twin → WH Phantom → Kudos KS-1 → WH Spectre.

Each change was a noticeable upgrade but I don’t expect anything to outshine the Spectres so it’s journey’s end for me. (Speakers are Kudos 606 passive on Gaia 2 isolation feet)


I read somewhere that Mogami 3082 speaker cable inductance is 0.4µH/m. If
Naim still recommend 3.5uH minimum inductance per side, then about 10 meter long cables would be needed to provide sufficient inductance, right?

I’ve used for nearly 35 years until recently Linn K400 in my system then when went to single writing I cut the K400 to make in fact K200 black.
A while later Linn released a new Silver cable called K200 I tried it and found it rather brighter and less musical so kept my Black K200 until home renovations forced me to have longer cables and and after many comparisons and head scratching the only cable I use now is Kudos KS-1 I know this reads strange as the kudos cable is much smaller but it does retain the musicality of the old K400.
Be very careful if using KS-1 I remember a number of problems on here when using chord ohmic plugs seems a very poor match.
Naim and Deltron bananas properly soldered superb. :+1:t2:

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Its a generel failure that everything large/big is better than small

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You knew this was coming. :wink:



Surprised we didn’t see Frankie over on the Jokes thread, after the M87 mock-up!

Caused sphincters to tighten across the galaxy.

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It was close there’s no getting away from that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: