Analog side upgrades - help needed

I’m contemplating upgrading my rega p6 to a rega p10. My P6 has used the MM input on my SN3.

I’m wondering if anyone here has had experience with pairing a Rega turntable with PS Audio Stellar Phono and Naim products (like my SN3/HCDR). Any red flags? I don’t have a dealer who can let me hear all of these together although I can purchase and return the Stellar if unsatisfied.

Thoughts from those who have heard this or similar combos would be most welcome.

No experience, what is your budget? How about the Rega phonostage or a Naim Stageline which can be powered by the Aux on your SN?

I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be a great match with your SN3. PS Audio Stellar series products are excellent and a fantastic value, you are not going to get a lot of enthusiasm here though.

I tried both of these with my RP8 back in the day and they were both oretty good, slightly better soundstage on the rega one. A deck that good deserves a decent phono stage

I actually didn’t know the Naim stage line could be powered via the aux terminal. Naim needs to help explain it better - thought I needed another hicap.

Budget is around $3k CAD for the phono stage.

Was the Rega the Aria or Aura? Aura is out of my price range.

I used an Aria with my P10 on my SN3 and then kept it when I upgraded to 552. Recently moved to an Aura with a Naia. Aria is a great combo with a P10.

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It was the aria

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No experience of the PS audio phono stage, sorry. I do have the Rega Aria into a NAC72 pre and HiCap. It sounds fab and has plenty of loading options enabling use of a wide range of MC cartridges. I assume you will use a Rega MC with your P10 and that would have good synergy with the Aria. The Aria is fast detailed and dynamic with excellent bass extension. Should be a great pairing with a Supernait.

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Yes, likely the Apheta 3


I have had an almost identical system as you are thinking of. The only difference was I have a P8, had a PS Audio Stellar phono plugged into a Supernait 2 then Supernait 3.
The PS Audio Stellar is a fabulous phono stage, has great flexibility and can be adjusted on the fly via the remote. The one point I read that may be an issue, I didn’t experience it, was that it can suffer from squealing if the cables you use are unshielded. As I say I never experienced it in my system.

I would wholeheartedly recommend your proposed system.

I no longer have that system as I have simplified even further and have a Nait50 and ND5XS2.


Thanks @carruthersesq for the thoughtful response.

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I am using a Rega Aria 3 with my SN3 and am very happy with it. It might be easier to audition as well

Hi I have just updated my P8 with the new Rega Nd7 MM Cartridge using my Supernait 3 built in phono. Still running in but having great fun. Could be a cheaper alternative and less equipment.

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I’m not familiar with PS Audio, but I’ve just acquired a (used) Whest Two phonostage, replacing a Stageline, and just simply ‘WOW!’

It just raised every aspect of playback to a whole another level, so I’d recommend you take a look at the Whest options before committing. They seem to have a pretty good reputation everywhere I’ve looked. Sutherland is another name that came up often, could be worth a look too.


Thanks for the feedback everyone.