Another thread taken down (whingers win!) 'Dragem ISN'T AI

So twenty people posting off topic get thier way…

typical on hifi threads on internet; no one gets away with statements that digital has tiers of quality.

I had made a vid to address some fallicies, and so people wouldnt have to read my words…
(also to return normalcy and humanity to thread)

video is here; guessing like other topics and review posts, ‘thread is gone’/‘posts gone forever’, will NOT be able to llace video appropriately.

I know people saw my thread heading as antagonistic, and took task with me to punish…

no one watched the video comparing the digital purifier ‘in line’ and ‘without’…

it is a loss of no real importance to anyone here, true…
so, exiting stage left.

thanks for playing

perhaps should rename old thread “I believe there are grades of ‘digital’.”,“How to improve yours’.” ?

maybe an interpreter, hopefully digital, xan ttanscribe the above video…

I vould correct spelling

and ‘voila’…

text an AI vould parse…

yhen we’d know what I am on about.

I did feel your previous thread was weirdly named, not encouraging anyone in (of course I had a peek as others did, understood the gist of your first post, but the reminder was not of relevance to me.) I’ve no idea what happened to that thread, but if you were to resurrect it then a more meaningful title might indeed be more likely to attract people to whom it may be relevant.

And as I noted some others had suggested, some simplification, and maybe plain prose with standard punctuation, might make it easier for others to follow and understand.