Anyone Interested in a Free Black Box Upgrade?

Ah, Zeberdee brand isolation devices:



It’s tight coiling that is an issue. Even loose coiling of speaker cable slack presents no problem.

For power cables really tight coiling can be a dangerous fire hazard but not at the currents used by hifi and by tight I mean really tight.

The one time I did zigzag of speaker cables, I picked up AM radio. I kind of put down the no coiling of speaker cables thing to a blind audiophile mantra that got repeated ad-infinity. Loose coiling is in fact the recommended way of dealing with slack in studios.

I coil my power cables in 40cm circles; ditto speaker cables. 10cm for excess LAN slack and miscellaneous. Signal cables hang free, no coiling or touching floor or other cables.

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£500 a corner using them mate.

No, I just have my 5000 songs (.wav or .flac, 16 or 24 bit) from different sources either ripped CDs and/or tracks purchased from Qubuz mixed up, and the 222 seems to sort it all out and it all works perfectly. I’m not sure why I would need music server software? Router is in a different part of the house than my Naim system making it difficult to connect the two via. A network cable which makes it difficult to test the advantages of a UPnP network. I do use tp-link to communicate the app with the router over the standard domestic mains but not sure whether you could transport music from a server by the router to the 222 using this route?

The Naim app on your phone/tablet connects via Wi-Fi.

If Ethernet cable connections are impossible then just use your current set up and WiFi for streaming.

For instance, you could get a NAS (e.g. QNAP or Synology), which would come pre-loaded with music server software, transfer your music files to it and stream from the NAS to your 222 using WiFi. Just plug the NAS into your router with an Ethernet cable and you are set up for WiFi UPnP streaming.

Wifi is very good on the 222, so you do not need to hanker after a UPnP Ethernet network.

Enjoy the music.

Thanks Nigel for clearing up a couple of misconceptions but if the server is connected to the router I assume I would need to be streaming over the mains using tp-link as this is how I connect the app to the router to tell the 222 the music files I want to play. Could I not just buy a Qnap for the music files and plug it directly into the 222 (rather than the router) with a network cable?

With a NAS both the music is streamed via WiFi and the app on your phone or tablet connects by WiFi - so no need for an Ethernet cable to your streamer.

Your dealer may be able to help you out.

I’ve used various UPnP servers and directly attached USB drives on a number of Naim streamers over the years. Never once have I found the sound quality from a USB drive to be inferior to a network stream. If you are happy with the way your setup is working now, my advice would be to stick with it.

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Thanks Chris, on the topic of free black box upgrades, have you tried mogami 2972 with your shahinians, as recommended by John Burns. It’s been more than a free upgrade for me as it has enabled me to sell my NacA5 and Witch Hat Phantom out performing both and at a fraction of the price of both it could be considered to be a cheaper than free black box upgrade.

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400 UKP for a set of cheap springs???

Linn has already done that with the Nirvana kit.

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As it happens I have some 2972 on back order as HHB are waiting for more stock. I also have some of those Pomona plugs that Shahinian recommend, although I’m not sure if I’ll use them at both ends or just for the speakers.

I sold some Super Lumina speaker cables as the plugs were so long that I had to raise the speakers a couple of inches off the floor to accommodate them. Currently slumming it with some old cables from that brand that must not be named, so I’ll be interested to see what the Mogami can do.

and what does that cost?
actually apparently there is some science to it, size and load of spring equals frequency removal or something like that🥹

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