App seems to have broken?

Using iOS Version 6.6.1 build version 9419

App is displaying a persistent message “24 tracks were added” across the foot of the screen, grey background with white typeface, regardless of which album was last selected and regardless of how many tracks were last selected.

Does not affect the ability to select new playlists, play them and delete them, but neither does it go away again.

Do I need to delete the app and download the current version? Come to think about it, why would the current version not have updated already by now?

TIA to anyone who can shed light on this.

It’s best to keep up to date. Just load the new one from the App Store and see what happens.

Thanks Nigel.

Being old, I am preternaturally nervous about this stuff.

Can you just download a newer version “on top of” an older version without causing issues? Seems counter-intuitive somehow.

And what happened to automatic updates? Did I just dream that was a thing?

Not only does it not cause problems to download an app update onto the existing app, but you will lose any customisation you had if you delete the old one first. The updates are designed to update what is already there.

You can set your phone to do automatic app updates if you want. It’s a setting in your phone. Nothing to do with Naim.

Yes, it’s under ‘app store’ in settings. 105 is pretty old though.

Thanks David, that is reassuring.

See, that’s where I get confused. When I navigate to > Settings > App Store on my phone I see at once it is already set to “Automatically install new app updates”, hence my questioning why this has not already happened as it has always up to now.

Har har. House number, not shoe size, hat band or even IQ.

Now updated and everything is just spiffing.

Big text, clearer new symbols, coffee coloured lines, unexplained gaps in album artwork etc.

Thanks for your help gents.

(Was too late. And since working after manual update, my thought was not applicable here.)

Sometimes Apple is slow doing these things. I wouldn’t worry about it!

You can pretty much assume that any software these days is full of bugs. Updating is recommended as it is usually intended as a fix (notwithstanding the inevitable fact that it will introduce new bugs)!

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Not least that the automatic update won’t necessarily work.

Entropy rules.

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