A quick question. Can anyone tell me the correct dip switch settings on an Aria (Mk1 but I think they are the same) for an Apeta3 (on a P10) please?
Maybe @anon4489532 may advise as I know he has this set up.
Many thanks in advance, my first ever foray into the world of MC cartridges
Thank you both. I had read the manual but wanted to be sure I was correct in what I thought. As first time using MC I didn’t want to c**k it up. Thanks again
Just make sure you switch to MC!
And make sure it is wired into the MC input.
In a similar vein, as we are talking about Arias, I know the Mk2/3 represent solely a cosmetic change, with no internal differences. Is the same true of Mk1/2?
For further confirmation vice versa, the Apheta-3 product page also states
Enjoy, P10 with Apheta-3 is just wonderful. The Aria is a very nice partner too.
The 2 is better than the original.
All sorted and singing away nicely thanks all.
I’ll post separately re upgrade.
Excellent - hopefully you are delighted with the step up from RP3/Elys to P10/Apheta 3. The 10 is just a lovely thing.
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