Atom HE + Active speakers

I am looking to set up a second system purely for streaming. I am looking at the Atom HE with ATC SCM 19 A active speakers? I would also consider the new 222 streaming Pre if it would mean better sound quality and a better streaming platform. Any advice please ? I would like a one box system preferably with the option of possibly adding a power supply in the future.

If the Power Supply is a serious consideration and you don’t want to pay for an unused Power Amplifier element, I think the NSC 222 is your only Naim option.
Alternatively you could consider non Naim options, such as a Linn DSM or Auralic thingy for instance…:man_shrugging:t2:

Multiple threads before; search ‘Atom Active’


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19a and Atom HE or 222 is a neat solution but a reasonable cost for a second system.

I currently have Atom and ATC 11 and it ‘s very good for a second system and in the used market cost me sub £2k

I guess you should ask yourself how often will you use a second system and decide from there.

If you are familiar with sound of ATC and Naim then low risk buying blind but as always home demo is the standard advise.

My experience is the two brands mate very well together!



In terms of SQ what does the 222 offer over the HE with the active speakers? Does the power supply add much more?

The HE has a better pre than the Atom but both are aesthetically pleasing - you would view them as a one box solution.

The 222 will perform better than the HE and you have the option to add a power supply which again moves the dial performance wise.

At this level I would want to demo the three options and decide from there. Each option will be better as you move through the price brackets so kind of depends on budget… if you can’t find a dealer that has both ATC and Naim then find a Naim dealer (Sevenoaks have this kit these days) and you can hear the difference in the options quite easily

All three options will sound great



I have a 222 and HE, and for streaming only IMO the difference is slight. The real advantages of the 222 are the analogue pre quality, phono stage, and ability to add the power supply. Only the latter applies to your use case, however to my ears it really does make a significant difference. Great system either way.


I have a 222/300/250 passive main system and an atom HE active office system.
the 222/300 is a total level above the HE, but the HE+ active speakers is a great small system.
Depends where you want to go with it…


If you’re thinking of SCM19As I’d definitely recommend auditioning before purchase. Whereas there is general agreement over the merits of the active version of the SCM40s, the 19s are rather more controversial. I once sat through a demo of active 19s vs passive 19s driven by a 250DR. I preferred the actives but a listener sitting next to me said he couldn’t live with them long term and would have gone for the passives.

Try before you buy, if at all possible.


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Do you know which Pre Amp was used during the demo?

Front end was 272 with XPSDR and the amp for the passives was 250DR.


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