Atom HE + ATC SCM40A

Several people here using that set up…

I’ve not tried it, but I don’t see why not. I use a similar setup with an Auralic streamer/pre into ATC SCM40A’s and absolutely love the sound and simplicity of the system.


Those ATC’s are super value and have a midrange to die for. I use 40a’s with a 552/NDS/555.

I did find that they are quite sensitive to what they are fed with so a demo would be sensible if trying them with an atom before jumping in.

Naim’s 222 with active 19’s maybe a better option and I believe the headphone socket on the 222 is better than the Atom HE.

Employ the services of a good dealer and do the demo’s would be my counsel.



I had the ATC SCM40A with Auralic Vega G2.1 and Atom HE. What I remember is the difference from Atom to Vega was not night and day, or 2.5 times the price. The Atom will easily drive the 40 actives, from its XLR outputs. I had it run on 9m cable lengths, supplied by ATC.
The active ATC 40’s represent vey good value for money. I presume you have heard them. Even so, I would if possible have them on a long home demonstration. The ATC’s are a very good speaker, but are not all things to all men. :blush:


Hi @Hifi_Naim_CNNL. Will your proposed setup work? Yes. Will you get very good sound quality? Yes. Will you get even better SQ if you get a NC 222 and better still with a NC 300 added? Almost certainly.

SCM40As are very revealing of what’s upstream. I’ve used mine with a 272, Auralic Vega G2 and recently a Linn Klimax. The speakers clearly showed up each change, improvements to my ears, so an Atom HE would make a good starting point but in the long run, I’d be looking at front end upgrades.

I also agree with @NoNaim, for my tastes in music reproduction, SCM40s are outstanding. But your taste may be different and a home trial, if possible, would be a good way to be sure they suit you as well as they suit me.



I currently have a SN3/HC DR/ND5XS2/Chord Qutest. If I change the SN3 for a 282 it would be a more complicated setup than he Atom HE but would it sound significantly better than the Atom HE?
The 282 can’t be connected balanced and connecting 2.5 meter din to balanced xlr might degrade the connection?
Curious to your opinions.

I have not done a direct comparison but did compare both into a balanced power amp, so using a special cable from the hicap. 282 was clearly better in my room and setup

I am very happy with my Atom HE as a preamp. See NEW! Uniti Atom Headphone Edition – and streaming pre-amp! - #2336 by afgverhart


Yes Uniti Atom HE works perfectly well and is good enough :+1:

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Alternatively NSC 222 is also worth bearing in mind. It’ll reduce the number of components and in my experience if you then add a NPX 300, I’ve found NSC 222/NPX 300 into 40A’s is superior to even a NAC 252/SuperCap DR.


Surely, with those rather revealing SCM40A, the Atom HE can’t be any more than the baaaare minimum, and probably not even that… To me, it all feels rather unbalanced — effectively wasting those precious ATC…

When I compared the HE with my 272 (without power) and 250.2 I found the 272 best on the preamp and the HE best on the headphone output with Focal Clear MG… I kept the 272

Uniti Atom HE is good enough.


The thing of the atom he is that it never turns into a marmite product. It will function in every situation, be it only a headphone amp or even if it is used to front a full 500 poweramp stage.

Can it be bettered? Certainly. It will never be wrong though.

Another angle to this is that the atc scm40’s are basically a 4k gbp speaker but they double in price when the amplification is included. It doesn’t feel unbalanced to me. Some people use the atom he to power vastly more expensive loudspeakers here.


I agree totally, in fact we could probably say this about most hifi equipment in many different situations. Doesn’t stop people upgrading though :joy:

And, to provide a different perspective the 252 is streets ahead of the 222. Having said that I would take a 222 into active 40s over 282 into the same. They are much closer in terms of quality and the 222 is much more convenient.

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Given that Naim and Focal both recommend the Atom HE pairing with Focal Utopia headphones, I doubt there are many speakers as revealing as those


If it didn’t find my current configuration so brilliant I would def try a Naim pre with ATC actives.

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Good speakers are never wasted! The source can always be upgraded in the future to make them sing even better.


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