Atom power amp

Although this is a topic which has been posted and closed many times, a new option caught my eye…the Quad 303.

It is a small form factor and gives 50 watts pc, with the possibility to use in bridge mode to give a respectable 140w pc with two units. RCA and XLR inputs keeps it flexible for future upgrades. I am looking to add more power for ATC speakers so this looks like it might fit the bill.

The price is quite reasonable, and looks pretty cool even if doesn’t match the Atoms design.

Any thoughts?

There are a few small mono blocks, also look at Cyrus and exposure xm range.

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Yep, also good options…but for the ATCs if getting an Monoblocks I want something that can really drive them so getting to 140w, an extra 50/60w up from Cyrus/Exposure should help significantly.

Also from quality/looks the Quads look like something quite special from the pictures. Will be checking them out when the are available next month.

If you want power there is the Leema Acoustics Elements power amplifier which can be run in stereo down to 2 ohms or bridged to mono where it supplies 210 watts into 8 ohms or 365 watts into 4 ohms. They are half width products.

It can also be run as single input amplifier as it has its own volume control apparently.

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