Atom seems to no longer stream WAV. files

I keep asking about the SSD in your Core because if you are trying to import 12 TB into it, then you will totally fill it up as I can’t imagine that you have a 16 TB SSD in your Core. Or do you mean it’s a HDD rather than SSD? Even if it’s a HDD, I thought Naim recommended a max HDD size of 10 TB although I believe that they haven’t tested bigger rather than there being a limit per se.



The storage is indeed a 12 SSD. I did spotted that the limit recommended by naim was even less then 10, (8 as far as I recall) but when I first install it within the Core, it all worked a treat. Bought it to replace the former 6gb HDD I had on hand. After the clean up session it underwent yesterday, I can assure it’d be far from being full, it may be 80 to 85% full once the import completed.

Ok well you spent a lot of money more money on the SSD than on the rest of your system then. It’s a very odd way to use the Core which is designed to make use of external music shares so that you don’t have to import everything into your internal music store.

I have no knowledge of anyone using an SSD that large in a Core, so probably there is no useful advice I can give you. Good luck.



If you are still having problems i would email Naim. When the Core was being designed a 12 or 16 tb SSD was not available, at least for a normal consumer. They may have some ideas or can do some testing.

16 TB SSD for 5.000 USD? Something in the discussion is faulty. Why a SSD is required to stream music? The limit for the core is 8 TB.

Well, I wouldn’t spend that disproportionate amount on an SSD, but they have advantages of reliability, absolute silence, low temperature generation and speed. The only negative in my opinion is price, but if that is not an issue to you then why not? I use SSDs for music storage (but only 1TB as bigger was silly money when I got mine 3 years ago).

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