Morning all. During a fit of life rearranging a while back , I binned my multibox/floorstander arrangement for an Atom and Proac Tab 10s. Lovely system but am suffering from a dose of upgradeitis at present. Proacs actually on shelves where other half really likes them and so not up for discussion. In fairness they are lovely speakers so wondering whether Nova would give more oomph and grip to the Tabs or whether it would be a bit of overkill. Yes, yes, I know I have to go and listen for myself and I will but grateful for any views about this. Thanks in advance for your help.
If the Tablettes are on a shelf up against a wall, a more powerful amp might make the bass excessive. The effect is often corrected by moving the speakers further out into the room, so if you can’t do this, I would preceed with caution - or at least insist on a home demo before committing.
Thanks for that. As they are sealed box mini-monitors I was actually hoping for a bit more bass (accepting that it will never be earth- shattering). But as you rightly say, home dem is key.
You might get more bass, but you might get quantity, not quality, with bass boom, and nulls in the room just where you don’t want them. Then again, they might sound great with the Nova, and the gains may not be just in the bass. Good luck.
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