Auction House

Looks like Omega Auctions did Danny Baker’s stuff and recently collections from Alan Wilder (Depeche Mode) and Porl Thompson from The Cure.

But there are testimonials from a Peter, Edinburgh and Brenda, Somerset.

They do a free valuation.

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Last time I moved 5 years ago I took 20 boxes of books to ‘Books for Africa’ they were great and I received updates on where the books went.

I think you are limited to 5 records/CDs a month on PF - the owner of the site has a record shop on the site so understandably he gives priority to his own sales.

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Northern Soul can be tricky as an awful lot of stuff was heavily bootlegged, sometimes extremely well where an expert eye is required. Omega do auction Northern Soul, but if you want to move the entire collection then Pete Smith records appears to have a very good reputation - you can find him on Facebook or google Pete Smith Northern Soul Records - that should do it.

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If it’s top drawer Northern, then John Manship may be an option he runs a weekly auction for collectors and takes a cut, as does Pat Brady - both very well known DJ/Experts on the scene.

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Harper Field in Stroud regularly incude vinyl in their auctions. Attached are results from last months sale:

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