Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt

According to Audioquest the Cobalt includes jitterbug filtering within.

However, the other Dragonflys (all versions of Black, Red) do not have this.

They do though add that it’s worth trying the Cobalt with an additional Jitterbug, as this may bring improvements depending on the device it used with.

You’re right! Here is the description (part) of the jitterbug:

“Regardless of which DragonFly or any other considerations, a 2nd JitterBug in parallel is always a delightful improvement as it pulls more RF Noise off the USB power bus—which is why and how a JitterBug makes just as big an improvement even when plugged into service-only or update-only USB ports on many devices.”

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Yes. Sorry for the confusion :wink:

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Deleted, please remove.

Just had a thought - if I use the Dragonfly Cobalt on the Node will I lose MQA? I’m aware a lot on here have a low opinion of MQA but I don’t understand why. On Radio Paradise, which is the only time I use MQA, I feel it sounds better.

The current Dragonfly range supports MQA so you should be fine. I tried my Red with Tidal MQA a couple of years ago and it certainly worked, although if I’m honest I preferred the sound of regular 16/44.1.

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I read that it does MQA when streaming Tidal but didn’t know if it was exclusively Tidal. Thanks for clarifying.

It certaily worked with Tidal from their app, and with Roon. I assumed other MQA sources would also work, but those are the only ones I’ve tried.

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