Audirvana Playback NDS

Thanks. My router is connected to the main router of the house via a meh system. So even though I am connected hard wired to the router it is still fed wirelessly from a router upstairs that is connected via harwire to the internet. We live on a farm and it’s the best I can do. My ND555 has no problem with it at all in the main system. I did a firmware update on the router and will see how that goes.

I think I may try a separate streamer (Bluesound, primare np5 mk2, or something similar) connected to the NDS and see how that gets along. No problem with playback from my Uniti Core either.

Add lindemann bridge II to the alternatives. I have one on NDS with great result :+1:It uses same supplier of streaming boards as naim use. Sounds better than native NDS integration. Have had zero issues with it. NDS only used as a DAC. Which is what it does the best.

Thanks, exactly something like that. Has it’s own app as well to run Quboz through?

Yes they have their own free of charge app that supports Tidal Max, Qobuz, Spotify and such. I only use Naim app to control volume.


I did a firmware update on the router last night, changed my password on tidal to just lower case letters (read somewhere on here to do that), changed an Ethernet cable out and I sat down for a bit over an hour and listened to tidal without any drops. Knock on wood it happens again this upcoming evening!

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