Australian ABC radio streaming into UK - can't get it?

Hi all, I have a Mu-so Qb from 2018, living in the UK. I used to be able to stream Australian ABC channels (ie ABC Classic FM, JJJ) with no problems via the Mu-so, but for the last year or so I’ve been unable to connect. The channels appear in the iRadio menu, but won’t connect when I select them.

Has anyone else had this problem, and found a way through? I can connect via a browser to the ABC stations and then play it through the Mu-so but I’d like if possible to be able to connect directly.

Thanks all and have a good day. - Jon

I can get ABC Classic FM Adelaide & ABC Classic 2

But I’m outside the UK. I think it’s the general problem affecting all UK reception of NON-UK stations following a UK civil court case won by Warner Communications.

All working fine here in the UK but I do have a Smart DNS service configured in my router. That said I have my ND5 XS2 configured with Google DNS because the Smart DNS occasionally gets in the way of BBC radio stations so the streamer won’t be doing any region unblocking

Seems to be working fine for me, both ABC and ABC Classic.
I’m in the UK.

ABC Adelaide working fine for me.
Some time back I deleted the station and re selected as it would not play. Maybe worth trying.

ABC Triple J also working for me on my QB in the UK

The ABC is the only radio I listen too on any format.

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