Background Music Recommendations?

As a young boy my parents used to listen to Sing Something Simple on the wireless and it always works for me as back ground music.


WhennI was staying in a B&B a few years ago, they had a few Philip Glass albums - Glassworks and Music In Twelve Parts - on constant repeat. It didn’t work for me, as I like the music a lot, but most of the punters seemed to find it conducive to eating their meals.

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Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 18.28.22

You should add some grindcore stuff like Napalm Death to this list :smile:

You can also use background „noise“ to enhance your focus. You should google mynoise background noises. This is an interesting approach to background noise for masking annoying sounds, e.g. from crowded office spaces etc. I regularly use this kind of sounds to do some focused work…of course you should stay away from fora like this one as well

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I love the album, but background music!?!? It demands to be turned up so that the thunder in the opening track is at a realistic level!

RP mellow mix does it for me!


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