Two (long-winded) reasons I can’t have my turntable near my amp:
(1) Attached are photos of my listening room. We did a major renovation two years ago (photos taken during the work). At the time the renovation began, I only cared about stereo - I have had the Michel Orbe, the Cary PH301, and the Mac C2200, for nigh on 18 years. When we moved to this house - 12 years before the renovation - I could not set up the Orbe next to fireplace. The floor did not have the structural stability. I could tiptoe by and the tonearm would still skip.
(2) More importantly, my wife hates the look of all my stuff - the Orbe in particular. Early on in the renovation, it dawned on me that I could move the Orbe to the back the room, of out of sight in the bookcase. I bought the Naim for playing the FLAC files of my music collection; but the amplifier is so pleasing that I wanted to pipe the vinyl directly to it.
I did not think about the DINs when I hatched this plan, only the RCA’s. So I found a passive XLR to RCA adapter (Radial J-ISO) to connect the 30’ balanced cables to the Naim. (I was not and am not electronically savvy enough to think through my needing balanced on both ends.)
[Digression - my audio project was transmogrified when the wall behind the bookcase was exposed for the kitchen renovation. I realized I could have a multichannel audio setup for movies (wires for rear height and rear surround; and height-mounted surround, and front surrounds mounted by the cross beams picture); and much more future-proofing that I don’t want to bore you with. If I had not done all this planning and work myself, I might have consulted someone that new more about grounding! I did put the dedicated 10 AMP service to all my gear on this back wall, I micromanaged the electricians’ placement of the Romex, and then wrapped all the mains wiring with adhesive copper foil.]
I don’t know if the above has bored you silly or not. Back to the topic at hand.
Feeling_zen: I have no experience with DIN’s did not know they would just unscrew. I will try this first, of course.
As for just running speaker wires across the room: My Orbe-to-Naim stereo system is embedded into my multichannel system. I have become addicted to 5.1 channel music. I have a Marantz amplifier, but the Martin Logan Odysseys in the photo are the main L & R for both systems. So I have the front L and R from the Marantz pre-amp going to the analogue input of the Naim. Since all the multichannel gear is in the front of the room, the Naim must be as well.
So, thanks to all of you, Chris, Innocent Bystander, and Feeling Zen. Here is my short-term plan:
The XLR - DIN5 adapters arrive tomorrow. I will bypass the J-ISO, remove the ground pin, and see if the hum is gone. If not, I will also remove the deck-to-phono-stage ground.
I feel as if I have taken you all way, way down my audio rabbit hole here. I hope this was not too much. I’m new to these fora, and don’t know if other folks get as preoccupied as I do. Please forgive me if I have waxed too obsessively…