
Bandcamp offers FLAC or MP3 downloads of Current 93’s entire catalogue. However, if I attempt to buy a Current 93 download from David Tibet’s own site then it is MP3 only. (David Tibet is main man of Current 93 and Nurse With Wound)

So I’m wondering is the BandCamp FLAC CD quality or is it the MP3 converted to FLAC. If I was sure it was CD quality then I’d buy the catalogue offer, but I already have quite a few MP3s of Current 93 so if they are MP3s in disguise then it’d be silly to buy them again.

TIA to anybody who can shed a light on this.

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Good question and I’d say David Tibet is the main man full stop.

I have often pondered this question and I suspect Bandcamp ‘publish’ what is given to them by the artist. This begs the question as you say does David Tibet give them MP3’s and since Bandcamp sell MP3’s would they just put them up alone or would they again as you say convert to so called CD quality just to have another option to sell. I’ve never seen an artist just sell MP3’s on Bandcamp. Maybe @TheKevster could assist?

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Just bought four albums on Bandcamp. It seems to be running a bit slow this morning. I hope that means that lots of people are choosing to purchase today because Bandcamp are waiving their revenue share.

Lots of lovely new music to listen to and a bit of a warm glow that I am at least doing something to help artists in these very difficult times.



same here waited until today to purchase 4 albums so the artists get more…

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