BBC Radio - Will Mu-so support HLS/DASH?

Hi @robin

Naim will be doing a more formal reply sticky to this subject, but summary yes.

If listening to the BBC from within the UK we already use the HLS streams and expose the higher bitrate 320kbit ones.

For international listeners VTuner currently expose the legacy MP3 feeds.

There will be two main changes, the second point will have a lot of implications on 3rd party and open source software:

  1. BBC will be dropping the legacy MP3 streams - not a problem,.

  2. The HLS feeds will require a distribution licence agreement signed between either the radio database company (vtuner, airable, etc) or the equipment manufacturer. A dynamically generated secure token will then be needed to access the streams.

Naim have this all in the place and will be rolling it out next year. We also did a meeting with the BBC and various others in the industry this week.

There is a FAQ on the subject here:

So summary - we’re on it! :slight_smile:

Best regards

Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.