Beatles Red & Blue Compilation refresh


Just listened.

Errrrrr…wtf was that?

(Pushes plate away)…no thank you.


As a very little kid my parents bought me 45’s of She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your Hand, etc. But truly my interest in the Beatles cemented with the later stuff – Rubber Soul, Revolver, The White Album, Sgt. Peppers, Abby Road, . . . etc.

The Rubber Soul - Revolver duo is interesting as you can really hear that transformation from the more bubble-gum pop sound (Baby You Can Drive My Car) to the drug/eastern religion, etc., influences in She Said and Tomorrow Never Knows, for example.

While Sgt. Pepper’s probably isn’t per se my fav Beatles’ album, “A Day in the Life” I’d have to say is my favorite single track overall.


A day in the life was one of the first times I realised that song could tell a story in so much detail
‘And looking up I noticed I was late’ accompanied by the sound of breathing as if running.

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It’s a masterpiece and probably their high water mark, simply breathtaking.


Isn’t it amazing that a band that broke up in 1970 can still generate this much debate and passion. Love it.


The original title Lennon gave it was “Hey Bullfrog,” although I don’t know if it was ever recorded as such.

Sgt Pepper isn’t my favourite either but it was definitely the one that made me take notice of The Beatles and investigate their later work.
Rubber Soul is the earliest I can sit and really enjoy but it’s Abbey Road, Let It Be and The White Album that get played the most.


I had never heard that. The never-less-than-fascinating book ‘Revolution In The Head’* ( by Ian MacDonald) does not mention that.

*(well worth getting, a Vintage paperback, if you like The Beatles)


I have an original copy buried somewhere in boxes I love it, a great reference book. Did I read a few years ago he’d passed away?

Yes, very sadly, he committed suicide, after suffering from depression for many years.

You would have hoped that his obvious love for music would keep him away from doing such a desperate thing.

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That is sad, his book is as much to me as the music he wrote about. Thanks.

I have the original book and loved it. Unfortunately plenty of it was subsequently discredited. Lots if his chronology was wrong in terms of who was where and when and assertions about multiple songs were challenged by all the remaining Beatles whilst they were able.

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That’s a shame, but it seems to be the most informative book about The Beatles that I have been able to find - although I do have a ‘coffee table’ style hardback LP-sized book somewhere.

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The Wikipedia entry for Hey Bulldog cites that very book as the source
Wikipedia entry for the Beatles song "Hey Bulldog," with the citation for the original title of "Hey Bullfrog" highlighted


Presumably you?

Well there you go. I never knew that “Oompah, oompah, stick it up your jumpah” had been penned by the Immortal Bard!

Just goes to show, dunnit!

Not that bit!

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