Bedroom speakers for a Nova

For a bedroom, it might be good to understand floor space constraints. I’ve had huge bedrooms that can accomodate big floorstanders away from a wall and tiny bedrooms where ever inch of floor space is at a premium.

The reason I ask is that smaller minimalist bedrooms are increasingly common and that would mean not just budget but also perhaps a move to high quality on-wall speakers. Your budget would go very far with ATC, PMC, and DALI on walls. A close friend stuck some large on-wall PMCs in his kitchen powered by a Nova and is blown away. And his wife was delighted with not losing any floor space lost.


@jegreenwood perhaps can you can tell us more why the Thiel have been in a small bedroom with a Nova, given your profile says you also have a MuSo which would work there?

@feeling_zen He has a small bedroom typical for a NYC apartment.

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I noticed, but some of the discussion that followed seemed to gravitate to small conventional speakers, which still have a footprint. I thought I’d play dumb (comes naturally to me) and circle back to the original premise to reconsider other options.


@feeling_zen it would help if we knew what furniture is in the BR. Wall mounted speakers or speakers on a BR dresser might work.

I am advised that Jim Thiel’s brother offers repairs to Thiel speakers. But I may want to vary the SQ. I agree that the Thiels are not the optimal match for my bedroom.

Someone asked about my Muso. That was for a summer rental. I still have it and use it as a soundbar. But it is no replacement for a Nova and a good speakers.

Of the options presented, the Iota seems the most interesting. But I’ve now promised myself I will wait until my birthday in May to decide to pull the trigger. Among other things, I spent a lot of money in January on several non-audio items.


The iota alpha are good fun but they are not the last word on detail and need a bit of volume to get going. I moved mine on when I had a Nova

In my second system I use ATC 11’s so much better than the Neats in my room.


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Queen size bed, dresser, nightstands, TV stand, stationary bicycle.

Speakers on the dresser wouldn’t work due to location (off to the side), and I really don’t want mounted speakers.

The Thiels represent the maximum size speaker that will fit.

Has anyone tried the Nova with either PSB Synchrony B600 or Elac Vela BS 403 speakers. One of my regular online vendors carries both and has a 60 day return policy, no questions asked.

My main system has PSB Synchrony 2 speakers, which I like a lot, but PSB then shut down the line some time back, only to reopen it recently.

I don’t know too much about the Elacs except that they tend to get good reviews. Prices for the two are roughly the same at USD 2,800 to 2,900.

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