Best jokes

I know where that is. Chistel Hill.

I’ve got a box full as well, old serial cables etc

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Excuse the expletives and see the funny side.


Great … loved it when Max Boyce told it back in the day …

A man walks into a bar located high atop a tall skyscraper. He downs a shot of tequila and jumps out the window.

Fifteen minutes later, the man who had been sitting next to him is amazed to see him walk back into the bar. “How did you do that?” he asks. 'You just fell 80 stories to the ground!"

“I don’t understand it myself,” the man says. “There is something about tequila. It just turns off gravity a few feet above the sidewalk.”

Unable to resist, the onlooker downs a shot of tequila and jumps. As might be expected–splat!

The first man goes to the bar and orders another shot of tequila. The bartender shakes his head and says,

“You know, you’re a real a$$hole when you’re drunk, Superman!”


Black Friday has failed me : (

I ordered Four Kindles off Amazon, and they sent me a Two Ronnie’s DVD




First look at the Tesla Helicopter

At the risk of looking stupid you may have to explain that to non UK members

That’s Noddy Holder from Slade. Their Christmas song, Merry Christmas Everybody, gets a lot of airplay every December. Noddy once described it as his pension plan!

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I’m a UK member and I still don’t understand why that’s funny…


Because the song starts what must be Slade’s most famous song with Noddy Holder screaming: “It’s Christmas!”

Not yet, it isn’t. I thought it was funny.


I don’t think that I have ever consciously registered a song sung by Mr Slade…

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Oh David! Where have you been hiding?

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How about other artists and their Xmas songs that get played in supermarkets from September till 25th Dec …

Jona Lewie: Stop the Cavalry: Whish I was home for Christmas

Shakin’ Stevens: Merry Xmas, everyone

Boney M: Mary’s Boy Child, Jesus Christ

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Not in our Tesco they don’t. I’m glad to say they don’t play music at all, ever. We only have “bing bong - welcome to our store. Colleague announcement - would the cleaner please go to aisle 12.”

Ah ! Well ! if you shop at Tescos …:sunglasses:

I was thinking more downmarket !

What do you keep doing in aisle 12 that requires professional cleaning?

Coop had Rick Astley Never Gonna" this arbo. Made my decision easier whilst looking at the ciders on the shelf.