Best Streaming Poll

The rips I have are of unknown provenance so I don’t know how much care was taken in ripping them. I primarily stream from Qobuz or Tidal but occasionally Roon picks local tracks from my NAS. I’ve compared them to streaming versions and whenever I’ve noticed a difference the streaming files have been superior.

One day I may experiment by comparing my own rips and direct CD playback out of curiosity.

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I’ve always found radio is a great way to find new music. Internet radio, basically streaming, has given me even more options. Qobuz is a great way to explore the albums of an artist whose single I have heard on the radio. Physical CDs now live in 3 by 35 litre storage boxes in the understairs cupboard. I have ripped all my CDs onto an Innuos box. There are quality differences between a ripped CD and the Qobuz stream which I can mostly put down to them being different masters of the same album. If I pick a more ecelectic album choice, Camel’s Music Inspired by the Snow Goose, there is no high resolution version on Qobuz, and the same release is on Qobuz as I have ripped from CD. It sounds the same to me.

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