Best way to organize digital music - not Roon

I think Roon is the solution. Thinking it had to be controlled by a laptop was the downfall to my pursuit for what i wanted, but now that i know it’s also controlled by my phone, problem solved.

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As does Tidal, but it adds them as a list of tracks, not as a single album. The album name remains accessible in the Album column, but that’s no different than if I added some or all of those tracks individually.

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I think Roon is the solution too - but as you will have noticed there are plenty of other views. Roon is not perfect, but there is little else that does what it does. I was convinced after a couple of hours. Not sure I’d recommend lifetime at present - the Harman merger remains a bit of an unknown - but a trial using existing hardware will tell you if it’s worth following up. Some people regard the monthly subscription as a relatively low-cost extended trial.

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