Currently I’m using Naim 282 with Supernait 2 and HiCapDR as a preamp/amp combo and have 2 sources - Naim DAC V1 for my streaming and Rega Aria with Rega Planar 3 and Rega Exact for my vinyl setup. Both are using RCA connections.
I find that in order to get the same output level from my analogue setup I have to crank the volume 2 or 3 times more than using my digital setup. Is it normal to have so much difference in output from different sources or it might be that I’m using a wrong input on my 282 (I use the last one, I think input 6)?
No that’s normal that a phono stage output is quieter than a line level source.
Out of interest are you using fixed or variable volume on the dac v1? You can always switch to variable and make it quieter. There’s no impact on sound quality as fixed is just variable without adjustment possible; it’s still through the dac v1 volume control.
I use the fixed volume of DAC V1 bypassing its level control. That explains why the signal is super boosted.
As far as the Rega quiter output, I was wondering whether having to increase the NAC 282 might not decrease the sound quality or actually improve it, since it might get into a better working load, since all amps have their peak performance at a certain range of amplification. They are not good at super quiet level nor at the super high end of the spectrum.
It doesn’t bypass, it’s just variable at (iirc) 42. So you might as well set it to variable and adjust to be more in line with the phono stage level, to reduce disparity between the 2 sources.
Another option is to feed variable output from the dac v1 into the supernait av input with av bypass switch on, so the sound goes through 1 preamp rather than 2.
Now I think I get it. Currently I use not only the DAC component of the DAC-V1, but its built-in preamp part, then the 282 adds additional preamplification and I get a super loud output signal.
It’s interesting if the av bypass option with the SN2 will have better results. Adding too much amplifications might not be the best. The best idea is to try and demo the result.