May I ask Blu Node users for some advice please: because the delivery of my ND5XS2 is still pending my dealer sent me a Blu Node 130 to bridge the wait. It is in the same network as my UnitiServe and other sources, hardwired and clearly visible. However, it does not find the UnitiServe (nor any other network sources). My (Sony) TV does find the US though (I can stream through it), so it cannot be an issue with the Uniti Serve I would guess.
What is it I am doing wrong?
There was a post about something very like this recently, regarding (Microsoft) file sharing system versions not matching I think…….
If you search UnitiServe you should find it, sorry I’m not being any more helpful.
Found it - I think - UnitiServe not in Finder
Have a read through and see if it seems relevant - I would have thought BlueSound would have more up to date software than the US and therefore there might be SMB compatibility issues. I don’t know if BS can be switched to a compatibility mode……?
Just a thought.
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