Brain Teasers are Back!

Yep. Just one category to go.


Ring, It, Saw, Us - horror fims

Congratulations, the last category identified.


Nice teaser Willy !!

As you say, congratulations to Mike, SteveD and Ravvie for sorting those connections - wonderful !

Did you say it was your daughter that had created this teaser ? Very clever, absolutely well done.

Are you going to test-run the other one(s) that you mentioned ?

Great teaser! It’s good to get some different types of teaser.

For my answers, I had a couple of hunches then had to rely on google to validate them. I hope that doesn’t count as cheating!

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There is a second one but I’ve been asked not to post it untill tomorrow. The quiz is being run for it’s original audience of my daughter’s work colleagues tonight and she wants to avoid any possibility of them seeing it anywhere.
I think the teams aren’t allowed to use Google but there’s a concern anyone using reverse image search could find the answers here. That would be cheating but there you go.


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Like Ravvie, I had to rely on google to fill in most of the blanks after a correct “hunch”.
I think the dinghy and Prodigy links in particular are probably too “specialised” to be achieved through general knowledge alone.
Good fun though. A bit like the Only Connect wall, but even harder!

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I’m sure we all can wait another day. It will give us time to turn ‘google’ off :sunglasses:

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Let me just remind you that you brought this upon yourselves. You had the option to say no more after the first one.

Again “general knowledge”. Three are possible. Two are so niche that no-one has yet gotten them, not even the target participants.


Has anybody made any progress … ?

Jisoo, Jennie, Rose, Lisa - members of South Korean girl-group Blackpink.

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Correct. 4 to go. Well 2 really since a couple of them are likely impossible.


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Well done Steve.

I think that Willy is going to have to offer one or two hints, if we are going to succeed with the two “possible” solutions, never mind the other two “impossible” solutions :sunglasses:

You’ve met my sisters Fitzwilliam?


I don’t follow using ‘log’. - assuming that is logarithmic base 10… you should use the nth root of 0.6 instead? Log (0.1) = -1 and log (0.6) = -0.22 thus your answer is -1.22…

Hi Grahamino,

Wow ! I didn’t realise how quickly the past four year have flown ! Thank you for your comments. They have certainly made me think very hard !!

Is it possible … that the line in my answer that actually reads
n > (log 0.1) “divided by” (log 0.6)
looks a bit like
n > (log 0.1) “…plus …” (log 0.6)

It took me a few minutes to see what might have given cause to your concern. This is the only thing I can come up with. Dividing gives the correct solution.

I do however, agree with your comment about using the nth root of 0.6.
That is what the paragraph starting “Alternatively …” was getting at.

Hope this helps ? (for my sake :sunglasses:)

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You’re right! On my phone screen the ‘divide’ looked just like a ‘plus’ ! Thanks for clarifying. I’m very chuffed to learn the logs can be used like that to get n’th roots! I must read a maths book again, I was probably taught all that in my past. Thank you.

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You’re not alone Graham, I’ve slightly modified your observation to make it a bit more encompassing of most of us :sunglasses:

Gardening ??

Mrs D and myself just couldn’t agree yesterday, whether to go for a long walk or spend the day tidying up the garden.

I did agree with Mrs D’s suggestion that we would roll two dice to settle our choice.

If at least one of the dice, she suggested, landed on a five or a six, we would go for a long walk, otherwise we would spend the day in the garden.

Mrs D said afterwards, that since there are six numbers on a dice and a five or a six needed to come up, she thought this would only happen one-in-three times and the odds would therefore be in favour of gardening.

What is the probability of at least one of the two dice landing on a five or a six (and Mrs D therefore being (mathematically) right ?

The answer is 50%. I’ll let you tell Mrs D that she is wrong…

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