Buying after listening

Got to home audition speakers at home. I have probably auditioned 5-6 speakers at home over the last decade after listening at the dealers and none have been right in the listening room. I have therefore progressively upgraded electronics which is far easier to do imo.
Fortunately I have a great dealer who is happy for me to loan equipment. Consequently I have been a repeat customer since 2007.
The search for speakers continues but hopefully not too far off.

When I audition speakers I keep trying different ones until I find one that the sound just sticks in my mind and I can’t live without but that’s just my way😁

For me loudspeakers where the hardest hifi component to find and made all the more difficult as I always buy used audio gear but if you buy at a price you know you can recoup then it is a home demo of sorts.

I wouldn’t rush into buying speakers and if you have a dealer, dealers willing to accommodate a home demo then try lot’s of speakers and then ask for a second demo of the ones you liked best.

I went through perhaps ten pairs of speakers all of which sounded great at first but speakers are fickle things and don’t always respond well to even the smallest changes.
So take your time.

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