C.B. Naxo

Yes they work ,but the ones for Kan rolled off a little higher and sounded more balanced and groovier ,than the IBL/SBL Naxo/Snaxo into Kans.


My Naim dealer will probably have a Black series Snaxo 2-4 set for SL2 but he’s not sure whether the crossing point Is the same as SBL/ IBL

You mean a Snaxo 242,it should be the same for SL2 and SBL.

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Perfect, thank you!

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I once wrote to SpringAir asking a very innocent question about shipping costs (twice as much for Italy than France) and I got a very rude, harsh replay.
I wouldn’t buy from them if it was to save my life.

(On second thought, well - to save theirs)

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