Cable burn-in. A slightly new perspective

That’s cool dad - believe me I dig it. But my brain just ain’t geared for it man.

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Blue-Ray Player
Yes separate TV setup.
No sound bar, I have an optical link from TV to NDX for TV sound via Naim.
We use the Naim sound for TV music programs, BR disc replay & general TV programs that benefit from better sound.

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This approach was being advocated by Russ Andrews, several years ago. Obviously with one of his cables as the new mains lead.

Yes, I think he now offers to remove the captive mains cord completely and to fit an IEC socket on the back panel of some equipment. I certainly wouldn’t go that far.

Surely a captive is advantageous as it reduces the amount of connections? On the presumption it’s decent quality cable that is.

Which it isn’t, they are typically 0.5mm flat twin PVC

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I’m pretty certain my ~16 year old Panasonic Plasma has an IEC mains socket, as did the one before it.


Er……if anybody read my last post before I deleted it, please ignore it, t’was a complete load of total bollox!

It’s been a long week….I’ve been fighting a hacker/scammer.

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What I meant to say was………

Yes , one would think so. However….

The NAPSC 1 (olive) had a captive lead.
The NAPSC 2 (black) has an IEC connector.

Folks on here have reported a benefit by upgrading the lead on a NAPSC 2 to a Powerline.

Oh dear - I hope you won!


As posted previously

This morning I set about clearing out the junk in my bits and pieces box where I had a 5m length of the old RA ‘YellO’ power cable. ‘YellO’ is a L&N pair with about 8 seoarate insulated wires (4ea) in a Kimber weave with a single E running down the middle.
I decided to swap out the 2.5mm Supra and replace it with the RA Yello (the Yello is not really user friendly for general purpose power cable, but the Supra is).
Its made no difference that I can see/hear with the TV, (no real surprise) but I now have a far more useful length of Supra 2.5mm in the bits & pieces box

I gave my old plasma TV to a charity. It just wouldn’t die :rofl:. They collected it too.

We gave our old Panasonic plasma to our daughter and partner. It was still working fine when they upgraded(!) to LED.
A local charity shop were very pleased when it was donated.

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