Cable to Instrument Assignment Confusion

Hi All,

I have no clue which cables (and also the remote) belong to which instruments. I’m hoping someone in the Naim community can help me out!

My system: NAC 122x, CD5x, Flatcap 2x, NAP 150x

Cables & Stuff:

  • SNAIC 4: (NAP150x to Flatcap)
  • SNAIC 5: (CD5x to Flatcap)
  • SNAIC 5: (NAC122x to Flatcap)
  • DIN 5: (NAC122x to CD5x)
  • Narcom 4 Remote

I’m pretty sure the SNAIC4 goes with the NAP150 and the remote with the NAC122x (though I’ve heard both NAC & CD should have a remote). Everything else? No idea. So thanks in advance for your help!

Best regards,

Take a look here;

The Flatcap only has one SNAIC 5 as standard. Both the CD5x and NAC122x come with their own Narcom remotes.

Ahhh!! Lovely!! Exactly what I was looking for. :pray:t3: :cyclone:

Looks like I got stiffed on the extra Narcom way back when, but such is life.


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