CD Players

What’s the box on top Ian?

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An amp, with VU meters

Groovy man :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1:


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They look good and in light of recent events here they may well become an option for Aussies not wishing to throw money down a rabbit hole. There’s also a small write up in the new Hi Fi Choice mag about them but oddly there’s no mention of the new Naim gear other than in an ad for a hi fi shop.


Just had a lovely evening with my Nova and Harbeth P3ESR, first a pork chop with a pint of organic cider , a couple of large glasses of calvados Jacqueline Du Pres on my ClearAudio turntable followed by Joni Mitchell on the CD
Mrs Houdini on my lap , my Naim gear sounded wonderful , but it doesn’t have VU meters …

As I’ve said on numerous occasions , a CD transport would make a lot of sense

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Audiolab also introducing a series 9000 streamer

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There you go, you have an option. Although the way prices are crashing here you maybe able to pick up a brand new NDX2 for 2 or 3 grand. :rofl: or a ND5XS2 for under a grand.

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Ha ha

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You two :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::flushed:


I bought the Audiolab transport a few months back however I don’t seem to use it as much as I thought I would. I was hoping there’d be a different sound but while the transport sounds slightly better it’s not enough to warrant getting up and grabbing a cd and playing it.


I have a CDX2 , Naim serviced it and I asked for it to be changed to a digital output, it goes with my Nova like a pork chop and cider …

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That’s because you are a true streaming one -eyed gent :crazy_face::crazy_face:

And you have a hole in the middle of your black vinyl heart. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Indeed :grinning:

Streaming some jazz and have to say it sounds fantastic. Even Mrs Pete commented and she very rarely says anything about my music although she does say a lot about most other things. :rofl::grin::grin:

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Jazz is good - lots of enthusiastic forum people, particularly on the vinyl thread by the looks of it

Purchased one yesterday from red eye - Blue Mitchell and band, he was a trumpet player well known in the 60’s

He was part of a jazz blues band put together by John Mayall in the early 70’s , saw them in 1972 in Christchurch Town Hall N.Z

Released live album with Mayall called “Jazz Blues Fusion” it’s really good

Mayall the only guy alive today at 89 - all the other members of band, American Jazz artists all passed away from cancer

What was the last HDCD player Naim ever made?

Can,t you return it to Harry?

I could but I’ll keep it anyway. Always go to have a back source.

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I find the only time I stick on a disc is when I have a stack of new music on CD arrive that is not available for HD download (so most of the time still sadly), and I might stick a couple on while ripping the rest.

That said, even with RAID1 redundancy on the NAS and separate cold backup drive of all my music, I like knowing I have yet another layer of fallback in the player and boxes of CDs that I can drag out of storage.

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