CD Transport for NDac

Yes you are starting to see new CDMs appear again on new models with at least one I saw in the last month with new CDM innovations… so indeed the times are changing. They say what goes around comes around…
Mind you at least one member on this forum who is from the land of the rising sun say that CD in those markets never went away in the first place… and is still dominant, and you can certainly see a fair few Japanese CDP models… and there are quite a few higher end CDPs now where as only a few years ago it was quite limited.
I am keen to see how high end streaming progresses for true high end - which use cloud streaming service providers - as many service providers are quite demanding on the LUFS compression needed to be applied to masters - and if not done by the distributor they will process the audio themselves.
I find for immersive listening sessions I tend to prefer ripped CD or digital hidden downloads which are not as critical in terms LUFS processing at the distribution mastering stage and can, though not always, sound more ‘natural’ to my ears.


I also have the Pro-Ject CDT, I think it is every bit as good as my late CDS3, may it rest in peace!

That is the only way I listen - from either ripped CD’s or downloads from Qobuz. I don’t have any interest in streaming services. I play from my Melco directly via USB to my Qutest DAC - so no streaming across the LAN. The Melco is connected via ethernet to my BT Smart Hub 2 to allow for wireless control from my iPad.

Despite being used only for control purposes the Hub/LAN impacts greatly on performance as evidenced by the improvements brought about by including the EE8 switch, two EE1 isolators and two RJ45 Ground Arrays. All that trouble and expense could have been avoided of course by sticking with CD! Makes me wonder…

Do you still have a CD player and if so what is it if you don’t mind my asking?

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My Meridian kit, including a 200 transport, was at the front end of the last system I ran before I got bitten by the Naim bug. I gave the whole setup to my son and it’s still going strong.


Vinyl revival!!
For me it has never gone away.
I having been buying and using vinyl for 50 years.
I did have a CD player but I sold it and purchased a NDS. I ripped all my CDs to a NAS drive, and now never listen to any of them.


Now that is something I did not know….I’d never even thought to try it out :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I must do so.…

(having cough lent cough our Meridian 209 remote to Daughter #2, along with the 201 pre and M2 speakers……for her TV sound system!)
(and she still has one of my DSLRs that I “lent” her last year for a holiday to Iceland, and haven’t seen since…… kids, eh?)


Hi, yes I do. It’s a CDX2 mk1.


I have a great recommendation that I have been using as a CD transport to feed NDAC/XPS2DR even as a standalone player is just as good but slightly different but not by much. It’s a Audio Research CD3mk2 (just serviced with new laser)


CDX2.2 used as a transport NDAC and 2 hand made power supplies (not Naim). I have ripped CD`s via computer MP3 320kps and play via a Tascam Recorder/player which doubles up as my headphone system.

The main reason for the “hard digital sound” is solving the dynamic overload (pre-amp overload) which all makes of hifi suffer from but this is a “can of worms” which is overlooked.


Looks great Dev!


I play CDs more than vinyl. Just bought a Rotel CD11 Tribute, a great little CD player. It can be used as a transport. I use a Schiit Audio DAC. Sounds great.


Nice. I have a bit of a soft spot for Rotel. When I first knew my girlfriend (now wife) many years ago she bought a Rotel amp and tuner on my advice, along with a Rega 2 and Mordaunt Short MS10 speakers. I already had a Linn/Naim set up but we spent many happy hours at her place with that little system - didn’t miss my system at all.


What a lovely story. I still have a Rotel RA611, which I bought years ago. Still works fine. That’s one of the reasons I bought the CD11. Also, the reviews were great and the price was great. Enjoy!


I am Wim from the Netherlands. Last month bought a Unity Nova and now connected through fiberoptics with my 20 year old Denon 1500 cd player. Both options used yellow interlinks vd Hul as analog and fiber using the DAC of the Naim.
Last option the best. CD in the cabinet, Nova on top😉


Hi Wouwim,
welcome to the forum and greetings to the Netherlands from hot Italy :hot_face:!


I use my Naim DAC - XPS with a CEC TL5 belt drive CD transport . A fabulous combination


I was out today with an Italian friend who, sadly, will go back to Napoli in a couple of days. She’s not looking forward to the 40 degree heat :cold_sweat: I share your pain, but thankfully, listening to music doesn’t depend a lot of energy!

Welkom op het forum! :wink:

I currently use an Audiolab 7000CDT into my nDAC and its a great sounding machine. I do plan to audition some other ones in the future and see which one I like best (which might simply be the 7000CDT!), though. If Naim would make a transport, I probably wouldn’t hesitate very long to buy it. I loved what my CDX2 brought and the XPS-DR gave me more if that and I didn’t feel the need to change for over 10 years. Naim makes brilliant sources.


Hi @Alli. I had the same question before and went through the forum a while ago. In general, it appeared Meridian, Pro-Ject, Cyrus, and Audiolab transports will go well with Naim nDAC.

I settled for Meridian because I like their 500 series’ look, and I would have the Meridian full-digital speaker system if Naim isn’t so musically engaging. Thanks.