Hi everyone
Has anyone had a chance to compare the CD5XS-HCDR versus the CD5XS connected to the NDX2 digital input?
which configuration gets the best sound quality in your opinion?


Not done that comparison but I did try putting a HC on my CD5XS and didn’t enjoy the results. The sound became forced and unrealistic to my ears. I’ve never owned an NDX, but did add as nDAC to the CD5XS and that was a major improvement. So my guess would be that using the CD player as transport would sound better.

But I’m a bit puzzled. Since you already have all the components in your system, why not do the comparison yourself and report back on what you hear?


HI Roger
You are right
of course I have already done all the tests
in my opinion the cd5xs-ndx2 combination is slightly superior to cd5xs-HCDR
but I would like to know the opinions of others who have had the same experience

Hello peppelizzio

From what I’ve read on this forum , most that tried the CD5XS with HICAPDR weren’t that impressed , giving an unbalanced presentation

Like you I’m currently using my CD5XS as transport into the NDX2 dac, it’s very good and I think you would be hard pressed to beat it

My dealer and I compared the above combo to my CD5XS into my nDAC and we both agreed the CD5XS/NDX2 just slightly ahead

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hello Bevo
I had an NDAC in the past and I missed this test (cd5xs-nDac vs cd5xs-NDX2)
Thank you for the information you provided me


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