Tried HiCap doesnt make any difference to sound
Is CD5XS Compatible with a Supercap or is HI CAP better. (haven’t noticed any difference with HI CAP)
What’s best cables to connect CD5XS to Supercap if compatible?
Year of manufacture for the following.
Supercap Ser No. 201881
HI CAP Ser No 209829
Conventional power supply would be a Flatcap XS with supplied Snaic 5 connecting FCXS to CD5XS.
HiCap comes with a Snaic 5. If SuperCap does too, then use that.
When I put a HiCap on my CD5XS I could definitely hear a difference. Thing was, I didn’t enjoy the effect. Forced and unrealistic to my ears and I wasn’t alone in that assessment. Where I did get a big boost in SQ was adding an nDAC, using the CD player as transport. That was transformational and you can then add power supplies to the DAC for further enhancements. That’s the way I would suggest if you can track one down.
The one to go for is the Flatcap XS. As noted by PeakMan, a Hicap can make it sound a bit bonkers and a Supercap would be total overkill. With the latter you’d need to buy a Snaic5, as the Supercap doesn’t come with cables, other than a mains lead.
It’s surprising that you can’t hear the difference a Hicap makes, so you may want to check that it’s wired correctly and that the Snaic is working.
Looks like your HC and SC are twenty years old according to the website I looked at. Have either been re-capped? If not, it may explain your findings.
Reports of older power supplies being recapped and sudden performance gains are fairly common on the forum.
I’d second that approach PeakMan as it’s exactly the route I’ve taken adding a XPS2 to power the nDac and Naims own DC1 cable to connect the CD5XS to the Dac.
This combination all sourced from the pre loved market (Dac & PS) takes the CD5XS to another level just dreading the point when the CD5XS gives up the ghost and becomes a door stop.
Judging by the serial numbers those power supplies are now 20 years old. If they have not been serviced then they will be performing way below par, so bear that in mind.
Flat Cap 2 improved my CD5xs2 when I had one. I’d still be using it if the mech hadn’t failed.
Had the same experience
So, second that recommendation
Good luck
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