Chord DAVE and getting the best out of it

I can think of no reason why not - and as for reservoir caps, it would be a matter of which has the lower internal resistance, a bank of caps or the battery. I haven’t looked in detail but I think a judicious choice of type and size would at least be in same ballpark as as caps. Vey different of course if compared to something like dry cell batteries or small NiCd etc.

Not sure batteries or caps have any bandwidth, they are DC items ?

At the time I tried batteries on my kit the forums were raving about how much difference it made. I don’t doubt them but I didn’t hear any. I did put, and still have on my mscaler, MCRU linear power supplies on the mscaler and tt2, a noticeable improvement on the tt2 albeit moderate but, again, I heard nothing on the mscaler. I won’t be spending best part of ten grand to put anything else on that or my Dave I suspect


Oh but that was so much fun in my youth :slightly_smiling_face:

The power draw will depend of reconstruction filter type… FIR filters are renown for relative larger power consumption compared with IIR, which easy why until relatively recently they weren’t great for hifi as they created quite a lot of power draw noise… things are different now with low power FPGA… but even so DAVE for example gets quite warm and its FPGA has a large heat sink that can get rather warm… and vents through the casing.

But yes in the grand scheme of thing DACs whether they use FIR or IIR filters are low ish power.

Ohhh, it was a while since I did HW DIY and even longer since uni :slight_smile:

A power supply need to be able to respond to power requests over the full audio range, especially if you want good timing. And caps (dont remember about batteries) have internal resistance and equivalent series resistance (ESR) that varies. And with active devices you need to be careful and select ones that have similar frequency signature of the background noise. I also remember getting hold of a box of really big surplus caps suitable for my valve amp. And the more I connected them up in parallel the worse it sounded due to internal resonances in the caps stacking up on top of each other.

The power supply is really hard to do right. And many designers doesnt even recognize how important it is … no such danger with Naim!!

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Indeed I kind of resisted chiming in… but I saw your post… so I thought would add, the reservoir caps are largely irrelevant with batteries, it’s about active regulation, even dc to dc current pumps, and high frequency decoupling.
Some people think all you need is a linear power supply… perhaps little do they know…

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I was thinking of adding a Isotek V5 Sirius power board to my system, as I’ve run out of wall outlets.

Does the DAVE respond well to a good quality power board ?

I’ll add my Innuos Zenith mk3 and Phoenix USB to the Isotek as well.

I owned the Sirius, It’s quite on the bright side, you need a warm system to get benefits, better to demo it at home before buying.

Faberoo…glad this has happened…enjoy


I’m experimenting with my new Dave, currently running it without the mscaler and, so far, I think I might prefer it that way

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It divides opinion, some do, some don’t … I on the whole prefer not… the DAVE sounds more organic and ‘analogue’ to my ears and my setup without… I ended up selling my mscaler as it was just gathering dust…

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Pretty much what I am finding Simon. I preferred it on the TT 2 but Dave sounds more natural and lively without it so I will be moving it on


I prefer the Mscaler in my set up, feel it gives you more.

Hi Wusplay,

Did this happen already? Curious to your renewed findings.

All the best Tom

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