Chris Thomas - RIP

I’m beyond stunned to read that Chris has died. I planned to go visit him again. I remember stumbling across Audio Venue one afternoon and going in to ‘see what they had’. As an IT shift-worker I spent so much time in there, helping out I started working there on Saturdays. Most enjoyable ‘work’ I’ve ever done. Watching Chris working his magic on LP12’s new and old was something to admire. Seeing disgruntled customers return with huge grins post fettling never ceased to amaze me. And he did it with natural ease while talking about - life!. His taste for fine wines, Martin guitars and watches went hand in hand with him being an avid Arsenal fan. His CD based system was THE only time I heard what was possible from the silver disc. I am truly saddened and my thoughts are with his Elayne.

RIEP Chris. You were a blast.

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I first met Chris through Audio Venue. His colleague Ian and I shared a love of the music of Frank Zappa. Chris installed a Naim Audio ARO on my LP12. It still has Chris’ trademark red tape around the arm rest. I remain in regular contact with Ian from Audio Venue. We remain committed Frank Zappa fans :grinning:

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I never met Chris Thomas, but his hi-fi retailing days preceded Audio Venue.

I confirmed with a friend yesterday that he had a small showroom on Central Parade, Hoe St, Walthamstow. My friend said Chris Thomas sold him a Michell Focus with a duff Linn Basik arm, which was subsequently swapped for a Mission 774 arm: an arm which my friend has acquired again to go with his Mission turntable.

IIRC, Chris’s premises were below another hifi dealer who dealt with slightly more mass-market hifi.

This was in the days before Walthamstow became a bit “artisan bread and micro-brewery craft beer” and actually had some decent shops.

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